Biddulph Moor Village Hall

Frequently Asked Questions

Welcome to the Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ page). Below, we have tried to answer the most common questions visitors to this our Web site may have. If you find that your question is not answered on this page, please email us.

Q. Can we have a Bar at our event.

   A. Yes, a fully licensed Bar is available on request at time of making your booking.

Q. Are there kitchen facilities

   A. Yes, we have a fully fitted Kitchen with Fridge/Freezer, Microwave, Hob, Oven, Warming cupboard, Urn and washing up sink. There is a serving area in to the buffet room.

Q. Do you have a resident disco.

    A. No, we do not have a resident disco, however you can arrange and bring your own.

Q. Do you have a stage.

   A. Yes we have a stage which we can vary the size and position it on one of three different arrangements.

Q. Is there car parking available.

   A. Yes, there is space for at least 30 cars.


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